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Equipment and connectivity

in Villa de Leyva

As a result of the Covid-19 health emergency, the connectivity problem for students in the public schools of Villa de Leyva has worsened.

These children walk every morning looking for connection to know what to study, work at home and then send homework in the afternoon on WhatsApp.

This is the story of Jimmy, a 14-year-old boy who lives in a village near Villa de Leyva and who became the first Educaiton beneficiary in the area.

Jimmy lives with his mother and his 6-year-old sister, they don't have internet at home, so every morning he walks 15 minutes to one of the nearby houses with WiFi, downloads the tasks for the day and at the end of the afternoon he goes again to send them to their teachers via WhatsApp before going home.

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These young people are coordinated with the social work of APROCAM ( the association of organic products and environmental commitment  emerged as a response to the corporate social responsibility commitment assumed by Corame Asociados SAS with the aim of generating social practices that facilitate learning in the Retiro de Blancos village located in the municipality of Chocontá Cundinamarca.  These young people also generate social and community well-being, and cooperation in caring for the environment within the company's environmental education program, which is based on three important aspects: caring for water, reforestation, and proper management of waste and rubbish. This association is committed to the environment, emphasizing the planting of organic products (vegetables and fruit trees) and social awareness of environmental protection and responsibility.

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